Why I'm Secretly In Love With Spin.

I think I'm addicted to it - the entire time I'm cycling, my mind is elsewhere and every inch of my body sweats. It's like mental therapy wrapped in a workout.  For those of you thinking of trying a cycle class but have your hesitations; just do it.  Your butt will hurt for the first two weeks, but each time you spin, your cardiovascular system will thank you for it.  If you can do it for over 30 minutes, each minute after that is pure fat burning.  Imagine a little man sitting on your belly with a fat shovel, just shoveling away.  It's a great workout intensity-wise and there's zero impact on your joints.  I suffer from crappy-knee-itis and anything with impact, such as jumping or running just hurts.  I also enjoy cycling outside, but there's something nice about a bug-less obstacle-free cycling studio.

Cycling, as well as most cardio workouts, turn me into a ravenous beast later in the day, so I usually try to do my cardio in the PM hours.  That way I'll just dream about eating a bag of chips instead of actually doing it.

In other Dawn related news, I'm becoming a Mad Dog certified cycle instructor in a few weeks, so maybe I'll see you in class!!!