10 quick nutrition tips from EAS

If you can follow these 10 quick tips consistently, you will be on your way to optimizing your nutrition and performance. These are 10 easy steps to being on top of your nutritional game.

1. Carbohydrates: try to choose the least processed forms of carbohydrates. If you give your body clean fuel (i.e. unprocessed, unrefined foods), it will perform better. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains (whole wheat bread, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta) will give you more stable energy levels than more processed foods like chips, soda, white bread, and candy.

2. Eat breakfast every day! The longer you wait to eat breakfast, the longer you will be running in a low gear! Eating breakfast jump-starts your energy levels and your metabolism.

3. Eat smaller portIons more often, spread evenly across the day.  No excuses—you should be eating 5 – 8 meals/day!  You should be combining protein, carbs, and healthy fats at each of your meals! Just think 3 for 3. The 3 nutrients every three hours. An easy way to make sure you do this is to pack snacks from home and keep them in your locker and your backpack!

4. Stay hydrated! Dehydration = decreased performance! Drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces of water per day. make sure to think before you drink! Stick to mainly water. Use sports drinks (preferably with some protein) before, during, or after activity.

5. Include a lean protein source with each meal. lean cuts of beef, skinless chicken, fish, and skim milk are great sources. In addition, if you can’t make a meal, consume a meal replacement powder with whey and/or casein protein.

6. Pack your lunch! Don’t rely on the cafeteria or fast food to provide your fuel. By bringing your own lunch and snacks, you will guarantee that you will be optimally fueled.

7. Food First, Supplement Second. a general multi-vitamin is a good way to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. If your diet is not consistently getting you all of your needs—take the multi-vitamin.

8. Eat Fruits or Vegetables with each meal! Fruits and vegetables provide you with natures forms of anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients will ensure your body is operating optimally.

9. Drink a mixture of carbohydrate and protein immediately after your workout. Recovery is one of the limiting factors of performance. If you get a combination of carbs and protein immediately after a game or workout, you get a jump start on repairing your muscles and refueling your body.

10. Last, but not least, get some rest. The body recovers and repairs when it is resting or sleeping